About: Let's get creative! ☆ Always use safety when crafting! ☆
☆ This Instructable will show you that you can use a take out container as a paint palette. ☆ I use all kinds of lids and containers for paint when I paint.


■ Washed and dried used take out container.
Any kind of plastic take out containers that you have.
As many take out containers as you need or want.

■ Paint and paint brush that you intend on painting with.

Step 1:

Gather your already cleaned and dried take out container. If not washed yet ...
wash it just like you would wash dishes in a sink with a couple of drops of dish soap, warm water and a sponge. Rinse the soap off and wipe dry with a clean towel or let it sit to dry before continuing to step 2.

Step 2:

Choose any paint you want and put in the take out container. Hold the container on the edge or side however you want.

Note: You may also close the container and save the paint for a least 24 hours in the refrigerator for painting again later.
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