Introduction: POCKET LAPTOP

About: How to Everything.

Hi Friends

I am making a raspberry pi laptop using LCD display.


You need mainly two products

1) 5 inch LCD display with HDMI

2) raspberry pi model 3b+

Step 2: Connection

First, all of all place 5-inch display on the backside at the top.

Then connect pin of raspberry to display.

Then check it with charging adapter it works or not.

Step 3: Frame

Take parts of the frame as shown in the picture.

Then stick all parts as per shown in the pic.

Step 4: Other Parts

Take one 18650 battery and charging module as per picture.

Place this inside frame of the laptop.

Then take one on-off switch to give power to the raspberry pi.


Then take a black paper frame for giving an attractive look.

Then take HDMI Connection port and connect to the laptop.

Step 6: OS Selection

Select any one operating system. In my case, I select raspberrian os.

Step 7: Enjoy !

Enjoy this pocket laptop with a boot.