Introduction: Paalak Pakora

About: Hai...i live in finland..AFter marg i got an interest in cooking so i just started doing my food blog nd youtube channel..i always want myself to be busy...

Palak pakora is a perfect snack recipe during winter season.It can be made with palak leaves,chickpea flour.Quick and easy to prepare in evening tea time snack.All kids will love the recipe try this once and enjoy.Gonna share step by step pics and videos to cook easier

Step 1: Ingredients:

1. Palak - 1 cup

2. Chick pea flour/besan flour - 1 cup

3. Onion - 1 (finely chopped)

4. Cumin seed - 1tsp

5. Coriander seed - 1tsp

6. Ginger powder - 1/2 tsp

7. Garlic powder - 1/2 tsp

8. Baking soda - 1/2 tsp

9. Baking powder - 1/2 tsp

10. Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

11. Chilly powder - 1tsp

12. Curry leaves

13. Salt and water as required

Step 2: Instructions:

1. Wash and clean the palak leaves and finely chopped the leaves

2. Take a bowl add the ingredients one by one.Add palak leaves,chick pea flour,onion,cumin seed,coriander seed,baking powder,baking salt,ginger powder,garlic powder,turmeric powder,chilly powder,curry leaves,salt and 1 glass of water

3. Mix them well,it should be like sticky dough

4. Now take a wide pan,add some oil for deep fry.Place one by one,cook in a medium flame

5. After 5 to 7 mins flip around,let it cook until it attains golden brown color

6. Now its ready to serve:-)

Step 3: Final Output:

It is well crispy can choose any dip you want

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