Introduction: Paint Your Own Camouflage Accent Wall

About: Any and all crafting. I enjoy the challenge of figuring out what I can make, with what I have on hand, or at the cheapest prices I can find, yet still achieving a classy and beautiful outcome.
 Remodeling our house, hubby and I added on some bedrooms for our kids. This is what I chose to do for our boy's room.
The room is 10x10, so I really didn't want the paint job to be overwhelming, or to make the room look smaller. So I settled on 3 light colored walls, and an accent wall toward the back. We were also on a budget, so I did everything by hand, with just paint rollers, and bigger paint brush for the larger sections of the camo designs, and a smaller brush for the detailed part of rounding out the edges to give the color slashes a smoother appearance. Ensure that each layer of paint is fully dried, before moving onto the next coating.

1st Step: 2 coats of the white Primer paint, with rollers
2nd Step: 2 coats of the light blue base paint, also with rollers3rd Step: 2 coats of the darker blue paint, with large hand brush. This was the real beginning of the camo design. Go back along with
the smaller hand brush to smooth out the edges of your design.
4th Step: 2 coats of the final, darkest blue with another large hand brush. I was going to make a 4th layering in Black, but with doing
all the other remodels around the house at the same time, I left it at just the 3 layers. You can add as many as you like.
Go back along with the smaller hand brush to smooth out the edges of your design.

The nice thing about Camouflage, is that you don't have to have any real uniform designs or measurements, it's really just about layering with the different shades, and as such you can just go freestyle and have fun with it. I drew out a stetch of where I wanted the basic design to be going, but really, I just free handed it as I went along.