Introduction: Painting an Alien

For this painting I used a sea-sponge, brown acrylic paint, black acrylic paint, and white acrylic paint.

To start I applied some brown paint to the sponge and used some sweeping strokes to lay down the forms and shapes of the creature. Then I went in with black to give the form some definition. Lastly I added white with a brush to detail teeth and add highlights.

For this particular painting I also used an airbrush and black paint to create a variable shadow effect for a simple background.

When I finished I sprayed the painting with a semi-gloss finish to seal the painting.

Using a sponge to quickly put down some shapes and forms is a quick way to lay out a base for you to finish with details.


Sea Sponge

Acrylic Paint (Black, brown, white)




Spray finish/sealer