Introduction: Pantry Yarn Jewelry

About: Crocheting, knitting, stitching, sewing!

This Instructable guides you in making your own yarn-based jewelry. These “jewels” are soft, colorful, and take only a few supplies, so crack open that pantry of leftover yarns!

I made a pair of earrings and a necklace, but these instructions can easily be adapted. I look forward to seeing your variations!


Crochet needle (I used 1.4 mm but it depends on the yarn you use)

Assorted yarn (I used DMC, but you can customize)

Crochet thread for holding your “jewels”

Sewing needle


Earring hooks

Two beads (optional)

Clothespin (or another fastener for the necklace if you have it)

Step 1: Two Versions of a Necklace

Version 1:

Chain four and Slip Stitch into the first Chain to create a circle.

Slip Stitch into the middle of your circle, then Chain two. This will be your first “double crochet.”

Double crochet 12-14 more times, depending on how tightly you crochet and whether the inner circle seems full. You will know it is full when you can slip stitch into the original chain-two post while keeping the disk shape flat.

Pull thread through the loop.

Tuck in your threads.

Version 2:

Chain four and Slip Stitch into the first Chain to create a circle.

Slip Stitch into the middle of your circle, then Chain three. This will be your first “treble crochet.”

Treble crochet 14-16 more times, depending on how tightly you crochet and whether the inner circle seems full. It is full when you can easily slip stitch into the original chain-three post.

Pull thread through the loop.

Tuck in your threads.

Step 2: Finishing the Necklace

Double-thread crochet yarn and pull through however many crocheted disks you made. I placed a wooden bead on each side to weigh the disks together.

I did not have any proper necklace fasteners in my pantry, so I used a clothespin (not ideal) to fasten the necklace together by making a loop on one end of the doubled thread.

Step 3: White Earring

The white earring has three rounds of crochet (in addition to the foundation chain). All rounds use double crochet posts.

Foundation chain:

Chain four and Slip Stitch into the first Chain to create a circle.

Round 1:

Slip Stitch into the middle of your circle, then Chain two. This will be your first “double crochet.”

Chain again. Double Crochet + Chain eleven more times. You should have twelve Double Crochets and twelve Chains.

To complete your circle, Slip Stitch into the first Double Crochet Post.

Round 2:

Slip Stitch into the first Chain to your left.

Chain three to make a fake “Double Crochet” post.

Two Double Crochets in the next Chain Space, then Chain. Repeat all the way around your circle. Slip Stitch into your first Double Crochet Post (the fake one) to complete your circle.

Round 3:

Slip Stitch into the first Chain to your left.

Chain three to make a fake “Double Crochet” post.

Two Double Crochets in the next Chain Space, then Chain. Repeat all the way around your circle. Slip Stitch into your first Double Crochet Post (the fake one) to complete your circle.

Pull thread through the loop.

Tuck in your threads.

Attach earring hooks.

Step 4: Blue Earring

The blue earring has two rounds of crochet (in addition to the foundation chain). The first round has double crochet posts. The second round has treble crochet posts.

Foundation chain:

Chain four and Slip Stitch into the first Chain to create a circle.

Round 1:

Slip Stitch into the middle of your circle, then Chain two. This will be your first “double crochet.”

Chain again. Double Crochet + Chain eleven more times. You should have twelve Double Crochets and twelve Chains.

To complete your circle, Slip Stitch into the first Double Crochet Post.

Round 2:

Slip Stitch into the first Chain to your left.

Chain four to make a fake “Treble Crochet.”

Two Treble Crochets in the next Chain Space, then Chain. Repeat all the way around your circle. Slip Stitch into your first Treble Crochet Post (the fake one) to complete your circle.

Pull thread through the loop.

Tuck in your threads.

Thank you for checking out this Instructables! I hope you enjoy making these pieces.