Introduction: Pao De Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Bread)

About: Hello, I'm a Culinary and Pastry Chef. I'm here to find loads of inspiration and fun D.I.Y's that will jazz up my life, as well as share my own creative and fun recipes with you all. Visit my Youtube channel f…

This scrumptious Brazilian Cheesy Bread takes me all but two minutes to make in the blender! It's a perfect grab n go snack, and it's gluten free! I hope you all enjoy this addictive recipe. Play around with cheeses and spices. Not only is this a lovely dinner roll to accompany a meal but it can also substitute all of your roll and bun needs. * I like to use it for burgers. Click above to watch the full tutorial video.

Preheat Oven 400 degrees


1 1/5 C Tapioca Flour

2/3 C Milk ( I use whole or 2%)

1/3 C Olive oil or melted butter

1/2 C to 3/4 C Cheese (extra sharp cheddar, smoked gouda, swiss, etc.)

1 egg

1 tbsp salt

1 tsp. of each (pepper, paprika, garlic & onion powder, dill)

You'll also need:

Muffin Tin


Step 1: Blend

Start off by pulsing the cheese only in the blender until it's chopped into small pieces. Add the rest of the ingredients including spices and herbs to the blender starting with wet ingredients and ending with dry. Blend until smooth.

Grease a muffin tin with olive oil well. This should make about a dozen rolls. Fill each cup up about half way and bake for 8-10 minutes.

Step 2: That's It!

When eaten straight out of the oven they'll be a gummy like consistency which some will enjoy. I prefer to let them cool for at least 5 minutes. By then they have a little bit of stability but will still have that slightly chewy pull-apart consistency that I love.

Store them in an air tight container and reheat as needed. Enjoy!

Watch the tutorial and subscribe to the channel for more easy and delicious meal ideas.

Bread Challenge 2017

Runner Up in the
Bread Challenge 2017