Introduction: 3D Paper Pencil Treat Box
Hi there! This Instructable shows how to create a paper treat box/gift box that looks like a pencil. I have been creating lots of different paper gift boxes, and last fall I wanted to come up with one for a back to school or teacher gift. What better than to make a box that looks like a pencil!
If you'd like to see this in video form, please click the video above :)
- The free patterns here
- Card stock or other heavy paper
- acrylic paint in the color of the lead
- paintbrush
- Sharpie or other black marker
- glue (I like to use hot glue for this)
- Scoring tool (I use a Cricut scoring stylus)
- scissors
- pencil
Step 1: Create the Patterns & Pieces
Get started by printing the patterns which are here on my blog. It's easiest if you print these directly onto the paper you want to use for the box, but I usually just print them onto printer paper and score and fold that, as seen in the first photo above. Then I trace around these patterns onto card stock, use the patterns to score all of the fold lines onto the card stock. Then cut these newly created pieces out and fold on the scored lines. This does take more time, but this way you have a physical pattern you can use over and over without having to print again. Feel free to use either method :) I used orange card stock for the box and lid.
Step 2: Assemble the Box
Once the pieces have been cut out and folded, it's time to assemble the box! I like to use hot glue, as it has a strong hold and dries fast, but feel free to use other kinds of adhesive. Starting with the box piece first, put glue on each tab and press them to their adjacent side. Glue the side tabs to the inside and the bottom tabs to the bottom underneath the box. Repeat the same process with the lid piece, except you'll want to glue all the tabs to the inside.
Step 3: Add the Details & Finishing Touches
Next, add the detail/decoration pieces to the box. Just like with the box pieces, you'll need to score on the fold lines of these. I used hot glue for all of these detail pieces, but I think something like a glue stick would work well for these also.
I used cream colored paper for the wood patterns. Both of these patterns will go on the pointy end of the box, one on the box and one on the lid.
Next, add the eraser pieces to the end of the box and lid - for these I used pink paper.
Lastly, I used silver glitter paper for the metal pieces. One piece will go on the lid, and two on the box. These will need to be placed right in front of the eraser pieces. Before I glued them to the box, I used a ruler and a Sharpie to draw three lines on them to make them look like the metal on a pencil.
Finally, I used black acrylic paint to paint on the lead of the pencil on the lid and box. I started by painting a triangular area on the top of the lid, then extended the line around and down the sides of the lid and box.
Step 4: You're Done!
Once all the pieces are attached and details have been added, that's it - you're done!
You can also make a colored pencil version of this box, and it's even easier! Just make the box and lid pieces out of the color of paper you want the pencil to be, then cut out just the wood pieces and attach them. Paint the lead color to match the color of the box, and that's it!
Thanks for viewing this Instructable! :)