Introduction: Paper Strandbeest With Decorating!! (reupload)

I made the Paper Strandbeest with decorating

These small creature totally captured my imagination. If you want more information about this Theo yansen's strandbeest site.

I made this referring to the posting : so you can get the PDF file of the template in that link.

This one has 3 leg segments and 4 supporting poles, which made it look a piece of art.

So, let's get it started.

Step 1: Print the Templates and Cut It Out!

Get the printed pieces and glue them on the thick paper. When they dry, cut every pieces using scissors

.You would undergo trial and error as long as using the thin paper to make it walk (it couldn't walk well without enough thickness. So, as you can see in the last step of my posting, I made the support fixture.)

If you don't have that thick paper, you can make it just the way I did using support fixtures.

Poke a hole where the template tells it to. I used a pointed gimlet to do this.

Be careful while using the gimlet!

The thicker the paper is, the more power you need to penetrate a hole in the template.

Step 2: Put the Parts Together to Make a Leg.

Put the parts together as the picture I posted.

Get the parts for one leg, then use pliers to cut paperclip into pieces. It is hard to do this using scissor, so prepare the pliers.

Do this step 6 times to get the six legs.

Step 3: Make the Axis, While Connecting the Leg Parts.

I used glue guns to make all connecting parts not to be separated. (Because the holes I pinched was too big :( so all joints needed to be packed with glues. But if you pinch the smaller holes, it would not rotate fluently. It is important to pinch proper size holes.)

Get the paperclip, it has to be very long. I used bigger size of the regular clip.

I followed the instructions of the Mk strandbeest making post.

"Bend it so it is straight, then measure about 1cm in and bend at a right angle. Then about at half an inch bend again at a right angle. Bend again at a right angle at about 0.5 an inch in. At half a cm in bend it at a right angle one third foward than the last one. Do the steps again 2 times to get 3 indents,refer to the first picture "

Step 4: Make the Fixtures and Color Them!

I made the bottom support, and handle to make it rotate easily.

I used double patched formboard or woodlac to make the fixtures, and attached at 4 corners or the bottom board.

As the fixtures didn't look good and hide the leg part, I cut the bars with cutter for rounding curves.

Also, I colored every part to the bright yellow and green dye. And used selopan tapes to press the grass texture, adding yellow and red flowers.

I couldn't find the video that showing how it works :(

I will add that to the post as soon as I find the video clip.