Introduction: Papercraft 1980s Fabulous Roombox
Want to make a room box full of all the 80s awesomeness? This simple project has all the greats from the decade that made us with hidden surprises in every corner.
--- Download Printable File Here -----
Just print, cut, and assemble the pieces to make your very own roombox. You can scale the file up or down to fit your figures and dolls so they can relax after a long day in junior high with comic books and Scholastic Book Fair posters on the wall!
Can you find all the awesome details?
- NES with Tetris!
- Rainbow shirt
- Comic books
- Simon game
- Stinky sneakers
- Rubiks Cube
- Perfection game
- and more!
You can relive your childhood memories and pretend like we didn't all use waaaay too much hair product.
- Double sided matte photo paper (8.5 x 11) 5 sheets
- Scissors or craft knife
- Gluestick or double sided tape
Step 1: Print
- Download your file from here.
- Print the file. I recommend using 60 lb printable matte cardstock, but regular printer paper is fine.
- In the printer settings, make sure you are set to print at 100% size so the PDF fills up the whole page.
- If you want to scale your project for a different size doll, you can play around with the document size, but it may not all fit on the same sheet of paper.
Step 2: Folding Techniques
There are two kinds of folds: Valley and Mountain. With Valley folds, the printed design is on the inside of the folded piece, while in Mountain Folds, the printed design is on the outsides. Score each line with a scoring tool or a worn out pen so it is easier to fold and you get a crisp fold.
Step 3: Making Boxes
A lot of the furniture and set pieces are constructed of mini boxes. Score along the lines and fold the box, then apply glue or tape to the flap and tuck it inside. Press to make sure it holds firmly.
Step 4: Glue
Use glue stick or double sided tape for the cleanest results. Apply glue to the flap and meet it with its corresponding side. Some pieces are split up so they fit on a regular printed page, so match the numbers to make sure they meet up.
Step 5: Furniture
The furniture is made up of boxes, the desk is one piece with a variety of flaps and folds. Score each section before folding and take your time meeting up the edges. The bed is a simple box with no bottom and the pillow is an envelope that you have to fluff to make it look nice.
Step 6: Build the Room
I recommend gluing the floor design to a sturdier material like foam board or matte board.Attach the wall sections to the floor, making sure to match the numbers and letters to their correct location. You can also sturdy up the walls by attaching them to foam board or matte board.
Step 7: Put It All Together
Once the floor is in place, attach the walls to each other and then to the floor. Then you can place the furniture in and voila! a room fit for a moody teenager!