Introduction: Papier-mâché Puppy

About: William Davison Jr lives in the Tucson, Arizona area and works in the satellite defense industry. He keep busy with his many hobbies (old BMW car restorations, LEGO Robotics and Halloween effects/costumes). He…

My idea was inspired by the RCA dog 'Nipper' that was used in advertisements with the dog looking into the phonograph horn.

Using what I had on hand... a glass working surface to make sure that the finished piece could easily be removed from the surface. Some CelluClay instant Papier-mâché, some chicken wire, a metal bowl and some needle nose pliers and I was off to the races!


CelluClay instant Papier-mâché

Chicken wire, small square holes

needle nose pliers

metal bowl for mixing


Step 1: Body Frame

Using the chicken wire, make the body, legs, head, ears and feet... having a photo and or a real life size of what you want to form helps in the main creation and take your time shaping the chicken wire, this step is critical to get the correct scale and shape that you want once you start the paper process.

Use your hands, needle nose pliers or other items to form and shape each section. Use small wires to attached each section to the bigger sections.

Step 2: Mix and Place

With CelluClay instant Papier-mâché, you have to mix the water in slowly a small bit at a time until you get the correct consistency... too much water and you have a dripping mess that won't stick to your frame, not enough water and it is like working with a powdery dust what won't make the glue form the clay like texture you are looking for... take your time, mix and kneed by hand and you will feel the correct level or water needed.

You can see i use a small bowl and mix small batches to do a section at a time.

Let dry (and i mean like a full day of drying) as you go, so that the next layer or as you build it up, it is not turning into a wet mess that will not dry properly.

Give the texture you want when it is wet... if you want smooth surface, do it when it is wet, you want texture or sculpted detain do it when the paper is wet.

Step 3: Let It Dry!

Once i was done, I let it dry for several days, trying not to move it or touch it. if you did a good enough thickness it will dry a hard mass and have great structural strenth.

Paint with a dry paint process, primer the entire finished piece if the painting is going to be heavy or wet (the primer will seal the paper).