Introduction: Pearl Barley Risotto - Barley Curried With Spinach & Potato -
Pearl Barley Risotto – Barley Curried With Spinach & Potato.
This is our second pearl barley risotto. The first one was made with a peanut butter-barbecue curry base. The onus was on us to show a difference without compromising on the distinction. This pearl barley risotto may appear simple, yet it is extremely warm and comforting. Cumin powder is the main spicing agent in this recipe. Feel free to adjust it to your liking.
Our pearl barley risotto will yield 4 servings, with 392 kilocalories in each.
For detailed measurements & instructions, visit :
Barley’s fiber is rich in beta glucan. Beta gulcan lowers cholesterol levels by binding with bile acids and removes them from body via faeces.
Potatoes are rich in vitamin B6 which promote cardiovascular health.
Spinach is rich in antioxidant nutrients that lower the risk of numerous health problems related to oxidative stress.
Copyright information: Background music : 7th_Floor_Tango by Silent Partner (Source: YouTube Audio Library)
#barley #risotto