Introduction: Peeling Apples - the Hacked Way

About: Failure is not the opposite of success, it's part of success.
If you don't need a drill, find a way to need it.

So I wondered if it was possible to ... peel an apple with it, for example. Why doing simple if it can be complicated?

And, is it possible?

Do you really think I'll write an I'ble if it wasn't?

Enjoy, and you'll get a famous dessert at the end!

- some apples
- drill
- flat drill bit
- potato peeler
- old bicycle pump (oh yes!)

Step 1: Preparing Drill

Fix the flat drill bit in the muzzle.
Kill the apple - downside works best.

Step 2: Peeling

Hold the apple against the table to get it stable.
Hold the peeler in a kind of correct position - you'll find out.

Power on! Ten seconds of fun and a lot of applespray all around.


Step 3: Removing Core

Dismatle an old bicycle pump - or try to find a pvc or alu tube.

Clean it, and use it as a 'core remover'.


Step 4: Autumn Apples

Here's a simple & delicious receipt to make so called 'autumn apples'.

Cover the drill-apple with pastry.
Fill the interior with sugar.
Close the hole.
Put into the fridge for 15 minutes - this will harden the pastry & prevent it falls down while cooking.
Preheat the oven.
Let it cook for about half an hour.

