Introduction: Pen Blowgun
In this instructable, I will show you how to construct a collapsible blowgun out of school/work supplies. This is a must for any high school or middle school student for accurate spit-ball fun.
Step 1: Materials
Things you will need to make this:
Step 2: Preparing the Pen
Your going to need to remove the ink cartridge and backs of the pen
Step 3: Extension Joint
This yep is optional but increases accuracy. Take a piece of paper, and wrap it tightly around the pen. Tape it off so that it doesn't unravel. Then stick another pen inside the joint and you have an accurate blowgun. Keep doing this for how ever many pens you think you need, I recommend 4. (No pictures for this step, I only have 2 hands!)
Step 4: Ammo
I use paper because it hurts least of all, but if you like, you can use pins and nails, BUT I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY TROUBLE THAT IS CAUSED BY THIS. IT IS INTENDED TO BE USED FOR FUN ONLY!
Step 5: P.S.
Sorry if this wasn't the greatest instructable ever, it's my first try. Any suggestive comments would be much appreciated! I also had an idea to add a gravity fed magazine, but haven't had the time yet. If anyone tries this, I'd love to see pictures and know how it worked!