Introduction: Pepperoni Feta Pork Filet Rolls Recipe
500g pork filet
200g feta cheese
250ml cream
150g pepperoni
50g pickled peppercorns
salt, pepper
feezer bag, pastry roller
Step 1: Preparation
Put the fillet in the freezer bag and beat it a bit with the pasty roller. Scatter salt & pepper over the fillet and crumble feta cheese on it. Place a few pepperonis and roll the fillet. Close the rolls with toothpicks. Scatter salt & pepper to the cream add the pickled peppercorns and mix it.
Step 2: Finish
Lay the rolls on an oven plate and put it in the oven at 180 degrees celsius circulating air. After 20 minutes crumble the feta cheese on top and pour the cream over it. Now put the plate back in the oven for about 20 minutes. Serv it with rice, noodles, potatoes or?
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