Introduction: Personalized Necklace Pendant

About: I'm a Mum, an adventure guide, a radio tech, an avid inventor of cardboard box/toilet roll style fun, with the occasional grownup thing thrown in too.

I first made and used these as tags for friends and relatives Christmas presents. I then noticed what nice necklace pendants they make.

If you use my template skip to step 4.


3D printer


Step 1: In Tinkercad Select Shapes

Select the torus. and the star. Drag them onto the page so that the edge of the torus goes through one of the points of the star.

Step 2: Make Hole

Select another star and drag it into the middle of the star. Make this star slightly smaller than the first star. Make it a hole.

Step 3: Select Script

Select script, put it in the middle of the star.

Step 4: Personalize the Text

Change the text to say what you want it to.

Step 5: Make It the Right Size and Print

Make it whatever size you like your pendants to be.

Some people like them large, some small.

I like them about 4cm.

Step 6: String Onto a Necklace Chain

String your pendant onto a necklace chain or hang it off a string or put on a key ring or string it through the loops of the ribbon wrapping presents.

Jewelry Challenge

Participated in the
Jewelry Challenge