Introduction: Photo Box

Photo box is unique way to share and hold precious memories. It is simple, easy and quick to make. This makes perfect gift for valentines day or birthday gift as well.

Step 1: Materials

4in x 4in flat wood(5),crazy glue(2), 6in x 6in flat wood(1), marble(1)

Step 2: Tools

Get any sharp tool that is able to cut through thin plastic(i will be using a 2in pocket knife).


Step 3: Placement

Place the 4in x 4in wood on the 6in by 8in wood. (I wanted my photo box to be in the center but you can place it as you wish. Personally I think it looks better in center or on the corner edge).

Step 4: Glue It

Glue the 4in x 4in wood's edges to each other making a cube-shaped.

Step 5: Glue It

Glue the 4in x 4in wood on the 6in x 8in wood using crazy glue.

Step 6: Make a Clamp

Cut the crazy glue case (this will be used as a clamp)1cm wide and 1 1⁄2 in long using the knife(or any other sharp cutting tools that are available).

Step 7: Glue the Clamp

Glue the clamp on the top 4in x 4in piece and glue the other to the bottom 4in x 4in wood.(The clamp will be pre-cut due to safety issues)

Step 8: Opener

Glue the marble on the top piece on the opposite side of the clamp which will be used as a knob to open the box.

Step 9: Memories

Collect the pictures that are wished to put in the photo box and place them inside the photo box.

Step 10: Enjoy

Enjoy and keep your precious memories safe.