Introduction: Photoshop Tutorial: How to Recolor a Black and White Image

We are going to go over on how to recolor a black and white image.


adobe photoshop, and in program tools.

Step 1: Step 1: Selecting an Image and Recolor Start

I have selected this image for my recoloring start. Start by surrounding a part of your image using the lasso tool.

Step 2: Step 2: Coloring

For this specific area i decided to use color balance which can balance the color of your selected area which you used from lasso tool. (under adjustments)

Step 3: Step 3: Gradient

You can also colorize a selected part of your image like i did and change the gradient of your selected area. (under adjustments)

Step 4: Step 4: Hue/Saturation

You can also use hue/saturation to change color and saturation of your selected area. If you are doing black,gray, white, or moody colors in general; DON'T select COLORIZE in hue/saturation options. If you are select COLORIZE. (under adjustments

Step 5: Step 5: Repeat

Repeat one of these 3 techniques to colorize your image into whatever color you want your black & white image to be.

Step 6: Step 6: Background

Select a background image from online. I used this one. First your going to make sure all your elements are shown but you are selected in the background image when you place it.

Step 7: Step 7: Create Layer Mask

Go to your main image and trace the outline of your image with lasso tool. Once you trace your image make sure it is selected and switch to your background image you placed earlier. Then click the layer mask icon. Move the layer mask to your main image and you have your background.

Step 8: Step 8: Paint Tool

You can use paint tool to add additional hand drawing lines to your image if you like onto your final product.

Step 9: Step 9: Patch

Use patch tool to fill in any extra white spaces on your image and clear it up.

Step 10: Step 10: ALL DONE

Enjoy your fully photoshopped new image. From black and white to fully colored :D