Introduction: ''Piña Colada'' Overnight Oats

About: Have a nice day!
Even if you are in a rush getting out of home early in the morning, this scrumptious combination of exotic flavours will wake up your dozing taste buds! I highly recommend you to give it a try!

Step 1: Ingredients

- 30 ml of milk
- 6 tsp of quick cooking oats
- 1 yoghurt
- 1 tsp shredded coconut
- 2/3 tsp honey
- 250 grams pineapple cut into cubes.
- A mason jar.

Step 2: Step 1: Preparing the Night Before

Put your oats in the mason jar, add the yoghurt and the milk. Stir well until every oat flake is completely soaked.

Step 3: Step 2

Top it with the pineapple cubes until it reaches the border of the. jar.
Then leave it overnight.

Step 4: The Next Morning

The next morning, just top it with loads of coconut and some honey! Nom, nom... delicious!
Right before you eat it, mix everything in the jar very well, so the flavours will combine and result in an explosion of ''yumminess''!

Snacks Contest 2016

Participated in the
Snacks Contest 2016