Introduction: Pizza Box Turned Succulent Propagation Planter
If you are planning to propagate Succulents, then you will need a large shallow planter and a pizza box is a great (and FREE!) option.
Step 1: Buy Succulents
First things first, you need to go out shopping. Head to your near by nursery and pick out some beautiful succulents. Once they are home, you can start dividing your plants. They will need at least 48 hours to scab over and then it will be time to plant.
Step 2: Order Pizza
Save your pizza box. Cut off the lid and let your daughter paint a butterfly on it while you're propagate succulents.
Step 3: Fill Your Box With Planting Medium
You will want to fill your box with 2/3 potting soil and 1/3 sand. Succulents need very little moister. So, this mix of planting soil with offer perfect drainage.
Step 4: Mix Soil and Make Level
Your toddler is probably done painting. So, let her mix your sand and soil mixture! I filled my box with about 1.5 inches of soil.
Once it is uniformaly mixed, smooth out.
Step 5: Time to Plant
Lay your Cutting and Succulent tops on your fresh soil. Very lightly spray with water. I used a spray bottle. I can not stress enough 'lightly'! Do NOT overwater your cuttings. 3 or 4 spritzes will do. Do not water again for 4 or 5 days.
Step 6: Wait and Watch
Within a couple weeks you will start seeing tiny new growth. Before you know it, you will have dozens of new succulent plants.