Introduction: Plan and Color-Code Your Week for Productivity With Planndu on Android

About: As someone who values efficiency and achieving goals, I'm passionate about productivity. I believe that with the right tools and mindset, we can maximize our output and achieve our dreams.

Planning your week and color-coding it with a Planndu app can help you stay organized and manage your time effectively. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to do it on Android:


Download the app from PlayStore

Step 1: Open Planndu

Open the Planndu app on your Android device.

Step 2: Add a New Card

Tap on the "+" button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to create a new card.

Step 3: Add a Task With a Reminder

Enter the details of your first task or appointment, and consider adding a reminder by clicking on the “bell” icon.

Step 4: Color-Code Your Tasks

Once you've entered the details, tap on the "Color" option to choose a color for the task. It will help you distinguish it from other events and tasks. Choose a color that represents the type of task or appointment. For example, you could use red for important appointments, blue for work-related tasks, and green for personal tasks.

Step 5: Save the Task

Once you've chosen a color, tap on “Back” to save the task.

Repeat this process for each task or appointment you need to schedule for the week.

Step 6: View Your Weekly Schedule With Sort

To view your weekly schedule, tap on the “Sort” icon in the top-right corner of the screen and select “Date”. It will show you all of your scheduled events for today, tomorrow, and the current week.

Step 7: Tips for Effective Planning

  • Make sure to set realistic goals and schedule breaks to avoid burnout.
  • Prioritize your tasks and schedule the most important ones first.
  • Leave some flexibility in your schedule for unexpected events or emergencies.
  • Review your schedule regularly and make adjustments as needed.