Introduction: Polished Concrete Fire Pit Table

About: I work as a renderer in the day but my brain only starts working at night when I get in the shed
I thought I'd do a quick instructable of my latest creation, im not going to go into major details as there's loads of polishing concrete instructables to read out there but here it is.

Check out my other work here

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Step 1: Make the Mould

I made my mould out of old bits of wood i had laying around, i also counter sunk some dents in it and placed marbles on it, I also put crushed slate, big rocks off the beach, sea shells and other bits of glass and stuff on it which make the finish poduct better in my opinion, the four pieces of wood are bits of Oak

Step 2: Pour Your Concrete, Leave a Week Then Get Polishing

In my mix I used Ballast ,Yellow Building sand, Plastering sand, White Cement, glass fibre strands, Nylon mesh and inserts of insulation board to make it lighter

Step 3: Polished!

You can see the detail close up but it really is a lot better to see in the flesh

Step 4: Spray Firepit, Seal Conctrete, Varnish the Oak

Not quite in that order as you can see from the pics, my firepit was old so I rubbed it down and sprayed it

Step 5: Make a Base

Although my base is not quite finished yet it works which is the main thing, same again just out of bits of wood I had laying around

Step 6: Enjoy

It really keeps us all warm when its dark and its quality for toasting marsh mellows 
Thanks for looking

P.S I will update when the base and table edges are finished.

Step 7: