Introduction: Polymer Clay Ombré Rose Cake Miniature

About: Welcome to my page! :D I'm a 15 year old crafter and creator.

Hello! Today I'll teach you how to make an ombré rose cake out of polymer clay. If you're not really a photo person, I've got you covered!

Step 1: Making the Inside of the Cake

To start off, condition some tan/dough coloured clay and some white. Conditioning is basically just playing with the clay with your fingers to warm it up, and make it softer and easier to mould. On this particular day, my hands were freezing cold, making conditioning difficult.

Next I formed circles with the clay by rolling balls and flattening them. Of course, you can use a little cookie cutter to get perfect circles, but if you're like me and don't have one, no worries, it doesn't have to be perfect! If you're not planning on cutting open this cake, then feel free to use any colour for the inside.

Stack the circles into a sandwich, and roll the side of it to make a fat cylinder, to resemble a cake. Don't roll it too much though, or you'll get an unusually tall and super thin cake!

Step 2: Prepare the Colours for the Ombré.

Next, use any two colours of your choice, where the start and end of your ombré will be. I recommend white with any other colour, but feel free to be creative- you can even make it rainbow! Now condition and make blobs of each colour, one bigger than the other.

This bit is a little confusing to explain... You'll need a large blob of both colours, and make blobs that gradually get smaller for each colour. So you can see that the blobs labelled 3 are similarly sized, same with 2 and 1. Where the arrows are, I'll be joining the two colours to form the gradual colour change effect.

This is only my method of making an ombré so definitely just try to do any way that makes sense to you!

Step 3: Add the Icing Onto the Cake.

Now it's time to roll each shade out into long thin snakes. Pick your first colour and cut off a tiny blob. Roll it into a tiny ball and pinch one corner of it, and flatten it slightly to form a plump tear drop shape.

Using a ball tool, this is the motion you'll be using. Start with the ball tool at the fat end of the tear drop, and drag it slowly to the right (or left, if you're left handed. Whatever feels comfortable for you :) ). Put the tear drop where you want it to be on the cake first, and then drag it until it thins out. Let each new drop overlap the thinnest bit of the previous one.

Step 4: Add Icing All Over the Cake.

Once you reach the end of a ring, close it off by pushing up the first drop you put down, tucking the last one underneath and sealing it by pushing the first drop back down. Here's what it should look like from the top.

Now just continue going around the cake with all the colours as well as the top, and voila! You're done with the actual cake!

Step 5: Making the Rose Leaves.

Using a green and any kind of red or pink, I mixed these both with translucent to make the colours slightly lighter. This is optional of course- and feel free to be creative and make your rose any colour you want.

For the leaves, I'm simply making two more flattened tear drop shapes and indented lightly with a knife, with one line down the middle and more lines extending from the middle outwards, like I've done in the drawing.

Step 6: Making the Rose.

Similar to the tear drops from before, roll the pink out into a snake and cut off a piece. I rolled it into a ball, flattened it and rolled one side of the flattened bit into a point, and the other side flared out like a cone kind of. This will be the centre of the rose.

Now keep adding these random flattened scraps around it, in no particular spot, until the rose reaches the desired size. Remember the sharp point we made before? As you add each petal, continue rolling that point with your fore finger and thumb to secure each one down.

Once you're satisfied with the size and pattern, use any small tool to fiddle with the petals to spread them out or dent them to your liking.

Step 7: Add the Rose Onto the Cake and Texture.

I positioned the leaves first where I wanted them, snipped off the point of the rose and plopped it into between the leaves.

Finally, I cut out a cake slice, and using the tip of a needle, made swirling motions inside the dough coloured clay to texture it for a realistic finish.

Step 8: You're Done!

Annnnnd... you're done! Just bake according to package directions in an oven, or add an eyepin if you wish to make it into a charm, and it's complete.

Feel free to comment down below your favourite type of cake! Mine's definitely cheesecake... mmm....

That's it for now, thank you! ^_^

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