Introduction: Power Words in Words With Friends EDU


Good morning, everyone, it's Mengekyou and I'm back with one of the games that was introduced in my elective; Words With Friends EDU! It's a great word game, and very similar to scrabble, and some what different, in a way.

Today I will be introducing the Power Words in WWFedu.

Usually, I do guides related to arts & crafts, but these games, etc., or the exception! Without further ado, let's begin!

Step 1: Gather All the "ingredients"

Alright, so please have the following:

1.)A computer, or laptop, or tablet, or phone.

2.)Go to the website.

3.)Make a username and password.

4.)A class code is required to start playing games, so please ask your teacher to give you one.

5.)Have Fun!

Step 2:

On the left side, there will be four choices, 1)Moves, 2)Power words, 3)Profile, and 4)New Game.

Choose power words, and then there will be a list of words from A to Z.

Step 3: Put in a Power Word on the Board

Choose any one word that you can play in the list, and play it.

Step 4: Answer the Question

After you do, and you play it, a question will appear, where a sentence will have the word you played inside, and if answer the question : "what is the meaning of the word used in the sentence" or something similar, and you answer the question.

If you answer it correct, you get ten more points, including the points of the word you played.