Introduction: Pringle Coffee Table

This coffee table was hand crafted using old Pringles tubes, an old mirror and an old pizza base. I tried to use as many disused items as possible to build my new coffee table in order to show that anything can be used and joined together to make something worthwhile

Step 1:

Starting point, collect 12 full size Pringle cans, a glass circular top (I’m using an old mirror) and an old pizza base (10 inch base is ideal size to fit 6 Pringle cans)

Equipment used:  a scalpel, scissors, super glue, acrylic paint (red, blue and green) and a paint brush, Easy!

Step 2:

Wash out Pringle cans but make sure all lids are kept safe (they’ll be needed later)

Step 3:

Make sure you have your pizza base ready and then collect your super glue. Squeeze out a thin layer of super glue and cover the lip of the base of the Pringle can and push down firmly onto the pizza base to secure.

Step 4:

Repeat this method for each can and fit them together around the pizza base.

Step 5:

The exact same process needs to be completed for the second tier of the coffee table stand. So simply add a thin layer of super glue to the lip on the base of the can and apply pressure when sticking it to the top of the other Pringle cans.

Step 6:

Once all the cans have had super glue applied and have been stuck on top of the other cans, the next step is to collect your old mirror and lids.

Step 7:

The next step to be completed is to paint for of the Pringle can lids. I used Acrylic paint, Red, Blue and Green (the colour of the Pringle cans used, plus red and blue can be mixed to make the maroon fourth Pringle can colour). Painting the tops adds to the final affect of the table and also when glued to the table, stops the glue from being seen.

Step 8:

Using the super glue, apply a thin layer around the bottom edge of the Pringle lid, leaving the lip facing upwards. When glued the lids will act as coasters/drink holders. Next, place the glued lid on the underside of the mirror surface (reflective side facing down) and press down when happy with position (I have chosen to put it close to the edge but own preference is fine)

Repeat lid process until you have 4 lids stuck to the surface.

Step 9:

The next step is to apply an even layer of super glue across each of the second tier Pringle can tops; the table surface will then be stuck to this. With the reflective side of the mirror facing down, press it down on the second tier of the stand and hold in place for around 30 seconds.

Finally, enjoy your new coffee table!
Reuse Contest

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Reuse Contest