Introduction: Quick and Easy Fresh Veggie Feeder for Your Fish

This instructible will show you how to make a fresh veggie holder for your fish aquarium.  A lot of veggies I have tried still tend to float around, which makes it hard for the fish that eat veggies to catch. 

Step 1: Tools

One simple tool needed, needle nose type pliers.

Step 2: Materials

1 Suction cup
1 paper clip

I recycled these suction cups from out of my junk box.  Cant remember where I got them but Im sure hobby lobby or other craft stores may have them, Wal-mart might as well.

Step 3: Straighten Paper Clip

Straighten the paper clip and make a small loop in the end of it.

Step 4: Wrap

Wrap the looped end of the paper clip around the suction cup a couple of times and snug up around the cup.

Step 5: Bend

Make a u bend in the clip and cut short  so that the end of the wire doesn't poke any fish trying to nibble of the veggies.

Step 6: Thread Veggies

Thread the veggie you want to feed onto the paper clip.  I usually blanch the veggie for about 30 sec in the microwave before feeding, it softens the veggie.

Step 7: Attach

Attach the suction cup to the side of the aquarium at what ever level your fish usually swim at.