Introduction: Quick Phone Holder Made at Home

I always have my phone lost and always I am looking for it I have always needed a place to put my phone and charge it with no movement and also I have always wanted a place where I can leave my phone when it is not in use. I always want to use things that help the earth and by making it out of popsicle sticks I am helping the ecosystem of the earth instead of making it of wood killing trees.

Step 1: Step 1: Get the Matereals

List of materials

- popsicle sticks

- Glue gun

- Black paint

- scissors

- roller to paint easier

Step 2: Start Building It

I decided to make a time lapse so you can see how I built it step by step.

In this video you can see how first you need to cut the sticks to the size of a phone so it is not that big

Then you start working on the base of the phone holder so it has a good base and can support the weight of the phone

Step 3: Continue Building

2 step of building I started to make the holder part the thing that supports the whole phone and the place where you will be placing your phone.

I decided to leave little hole at the bottom part incase you want to charge your phone while it is still so you can leave it over night like me.

Step 4: Last Building Step

After it is all glued in and well done with a good base that supports your phone I decided to wait about 12 hours to paint it to wait till the glue was all sticked in.

Then I painted it and left it for about 2 days to clean all up.

Step 5: Finished

You can now place your phone holder wherever you want in your house.

I recomend to put it in a place near to your charger or desk where you can leave your phone and charge it at the same time this will help you not to lose it.

Step 6: