Introduction: Quick and Simple Pop Tart Sandwich

About: well.....i tinker around with just about anything once the creative juice start flowing
i was in the kitchen yesterday And i got  my creative juices got flowing and this is what i came up with....

Heres What ya need..

1 Pkg of Pop Tarts of any Flavor you like (i chose strawberry cause thats what i had)
1 jar of marshmallow creme or  a toasted marshmallow
 and a butter knife 

first open the pop tart package  and lay the two halves frosted side down.
next spread marshmallow creme  over the one of the pop tart halves or if u used a toasted marshmallow then  press the toasted marshmallow between the two halves

then enjoy!!!!! 
Snack Food Contest

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Snack Food Contest