Introduction: Quilt

About: I have been sewing and crafting for several years, my children are grown so now I have lots of time to be creative. I enjoy photography, cooking, cake decorating, painting and sharing my projects with others.
I made this quilt out of old clothes and fabric scraps. The back is a green sheet I had. It is hand-tied with embroidery floss. I didn't have a particular order for the squares, I wanted the squares sort of randomly placed, the only rule was that I didn't want two identical prints next to each other. You can make the quilt in any size you want, mine is 14 squares by 13 squares. suitable for a twin size bed.

Step 1: Supplies

You will need either old cotton shirts or scraps of cotton fabric. Sewing machine, iron, thread, scissors, straight pins, embroidery floss or yarn for tying. You will also need fabric for the back and some quilt batting, and safety pins.

Step 2: Cutting the Squares

Cut a pattern out of paper. Iron fabric scraps. I used a 5" square and cut my squares out with a rotary cutter.

Step 3: Make a Row

Sew squares together with 1/4" seam allowance. Press seams open.

Step 4: Arrange Rows

Lay rows on a flat surface and arrange so that no identical squares are next to each other.

Step 5: Sew the Rows Together

Sew rows together, matching seams and use 1/4" seam allowance. Press seams open.

Step 6: Pin Layers Together

Lay the sheet on the floor, wrong side up. Lay the quilt batting on top of the sheet. Lay the quilt top over the batting. Place heavy books near the edges so you can pull the wrinkles out of the fabric. Trim batting so that it is 1" larger than the quilt top, on all 4 sides. Cut the sheet so that it is 3" larger than the quilt top, on all 4 sides. fold all 4 sides of the sheet up and over to the quilt top. Pin all the way around. Place safety pins through all 3 layers in several places on the quilt.

Step 7: Sew Around Edge

Using the sewing machine, stitch around all 4 sides of quilt, removing pins as you go.

Step 8: Tie the Quilt Together.

Using yarn or embroidery floss, tie the layers together in the center of every other square. Remove safety pins. Trim yarn to 1".
Weekend Projects Contest

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Weekend Projects Contest