Introduction: Quirky and Easy Bamboo Trellis
We have a mountain of bamboo growing at the side of our garden. We like to keep it there to stop nosy teenagers peeking over the fence from the climbing frame over the park next to our house. Having cut a load back, I decided to put it to good use. Now we are starting to grow runner beans, we needed a trellis to support them(when did I get so old! I'm only 31!lol). I like my things a little quirky so no proper measurements are used. Although, if you like things spot on then is still good for you.
Step 1: Stripping and Cutting the Bamboo
cut the bamboo down and strip off the casing by hand. I left this for a few days next to my house before stripping it as it comes off easier. I picked out bamboo of similar thickness. When cutting to size, I approximated the length I'd need and put the bottoms all level and chopped at the same size about halfway up. If you're fussy, then measure away.
Step 2: The Frame
I laid out the bamboo in a square, and tied jute string(available extremely cheap from any garden store. I paid 99p for 4 rolls) in an over and under fashion very tightly so that the sticks were pulling against one another. Then tie the end of the string to the beginning in a knot that is secure. Do this for all four corners.
Step 3: Horizontal Strips
Lay strips of bamboo horizontally and equally spaced and do the same knots at either end. If you need supervision or fancy a challenge, get a dog to watch and annoy you like Soap Mactavish here!!! :-/
Step 4: Vertical Weaves
Finally, weave more bamboo over and under each horizontal strip, alternating each one, until you have completed. Super easy and super effective when my beans start to grow! Only took me an hour from start to finish. Last but not least, kick back on your step daughters pink flowery camping chair, grab a beer and claim to your wife that you've been busy all day and that you deserve the rest!