Introduction: RGB WordClock
Hi, today I want to show you how to make Word Clock. For this project you need:
- Wemos D1 Controller
- 2.5m of WS2812B LED strips (60 LEDs/m)
- Lasercutted frontplate (more details: step 6)
- 244x244mm hdf/mdf wood panel (4mm thick)
- 18x Countersunk screw M3x10mm
- 5V power supply
- DC Connector
- Microswitch
- 10k resistor
- Voltage regulator (3.3V)
- Solid copper wire (1.5mm²)
- Stranded wire
- Some filament for the 3D printer
- 2-components adhesive, superglue or Hot glue
- A3 paper
- 3D Printer (min. 270x270mm)
- Printer which can print on A3
- Rough sandpaper
- Soldering iron
- Screw driver
- Some pliers
Step 1: The Design
As you can see in the picture above, the design of my clock is very simple to remake. It contains a hdf panel which is used as rear wall, a 3d printed case, for the diffuser I used a sheet of paper and last but not least the lasercutted frontplate.
Step 2: 3D-Printing
For the clock you need 3 different 3D printed parts:
- 1x case.STL
- 1x grid.STL
- 10x nut.STL
For the case and nuts I used white PLA and for the grid I used black PLA to seperate the light from each LED.
The 3D printed Parts have already threads inside but if the are sluggishly you can use a M3 screw tap to recut them. Especially the thread of nuts should be very smooth.
For all parts I used a layerthickness of 0.2mm and an infill of 30%.
Step 3: The LED Rear Wall
- You have cut out a 244x244mm big piece out of a 4mm thick hdf/mdf panel.
- After cutting the wood panel you have to print out the "Bakground.PDF" and glue it (I used UHU stick) to the wood panel.
- The next step is drilling the holes which are marked on the template. For this process it is useful to use a wood drill and take an old rest piece of wood to put it under the hdf panel while drilling the holes. This will prevent the holes from tearing out.
- Now you have to cut of 4 single LED's from the LED strip and 11 pieces which are 11 LED's long and stick it on the wood panel.
- In the last step you have to solder all LEDs together as shown in the picture. The "+" and "-" powerlines are made out of a 1.5mm² solid copper wire. All other connections are made out of standard wire.
Step 4: The Case
After 3D printing the case you can glue all electronic parts in the case with superglue or similar.
After the glue is hardened you can use hot glue for fixing the grid. The red area in picture 2 shows you the position of the hot glue.
Step 5: The Wiring
- Use stranded copper wire (1.5mm²) for connecting the dc jack with the powerlines on the rear wall.
- In the next step you can connect all other parts with the wemos as shown in the picture.
Step 6: The Frontplate
For my watch, I had the front plate laser-cut from brushed stainless steel (1.5mm thick).
Bu you can also use a 270x270mm big plexiglas sheet and stick a cutted foil on it.
In the next step you have to use the 3d printed case to mark all 10 screw positions on the back of the frontplate like in picture one.
After marking the positions take some sandpaper and rough up the surface around the srews. After that take some 2-compnent adhesive to stick all screw on the frontplate as show in picture 2.
While the glue is curing you can print out the "Difuser.PDF" on a A3 sheet, cut it out and use tape to fix it on the frontplate.
Step 7: Programming
Here you can download the source code for both languages:
Step 8: Assembling
First, bring the front panel together with the case and use the 3d printed nuts to fix it.
The next and final step to screw the rear wall to case the with 8 countersunk screws.
Step 9: Testing
After connecting the clock with a power supply, the Wemos creates an WiFi Access Point. With this Access Point you can connect your mobile phone. After that you have to go to in a webbroswer (this should be the same as in the picture). After connecting with wemos you can configure your wifi and clik save. Now the Wemos is rebooting and hopefully connect himself with your Wifi and start to working.
Step 10: Conclusion
If you like this project tell your frineds and help me to grow.
If you are interested in a german version of this clock you can buy one here.
If you have questions feel free to contact me!