Introduction: RTOS-Based Interfacing of IR(Infrared) and DHT(Digital Humidity and Temperature) Sensors With STM32F446RE Nucleo-board

In the realm of embedded systems, the integration of sensors plays a pivotal role in enabling smart and responsive functionalities. The proposed solution embarks on the development of an integrated system harnessing the power of the STM32 Nucleo-F446RE development board. This system seamlessly amalgamates an infrared (IR) sensor and a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, forming a comprehensive monitoring platform.

The core objective of this endeavor is to orchestrate a meticulously crafted firmware, designed to orchestrate efficient data acquisition, processing, and interfacing between the sensors and the STM32 microcontroller. A pivotal component facilitating this orchestration is the utilization of a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS), which acts as the backbone for task management, ensuring smooth and concurrent execution of critical operations.


  1. STM32F446RE Nucleo-Board
  2. IR(Infrared) Sensor
  3. DHT(Digital Humidity and Temperature)Sensor
  4. LED
  5. Connecting Wires

Step 1: Download STM32CubeIDE

The initial step involves downloading of the desired software-STM32CUBEIDE for the execution.

Download link:

Step 2: Create STM32 Project

  1. Open the STM32CubeIDE.
  2. Launch the IDE(Integrated Development Environment).
  3. Go to File>New STM32 Project.
  4. STM32 Target Selection box will appear.
  5. Under Board selector, select the desired Nucelo-board(STM32F446RE).
  6. Select Next.
  7. Give a name to your STM32 Project. Keep the other settings as default. Select Finish.

Step 3: Setting Up STM32CubIDE Project

A similar prompt will appear.

A .ioc format file will be created with the name of the project and will be displayed on the screen.

Under this, we will configure the entire project.

Step 4: Pinout & Configuration

Under Pinout & Configuration:

  1. Go to System Core>SYS. Under MODE>Timebase Source> TIM1.
  2. Go to Timers> Select TIM6.
  3. Under Connectivity> USB_OTG_FS. Under Mode>Device Only.

Step 5: Creating Tasks

  1. Under Pinout & Configuration> Middleware and Software Packs> FREERTOS.
  2. Select Mode>CMSIS_V1(CMSIS is the library for free RTOS).
  3. Under Configuration>Tasks and Queues> Create Tasks and assign priorities to each task.
  4. Here we have 3 tasks: one is the default task, Task02 and Task 03.
  5. Add 2 tasks and assign high priority to task02(IR Sensor) and lower priority to Task03(DHT Sensor).
  6. Go to Clock Configuration>Resolve clock issues.

Step 6: Go to Pinout View

  1. Select GPIO_INPUT for Pin PA0(Connected to IR Sensor).
  2. GPIO_INPUT for Pin PA1(DHT Sensor).
  3. GPIO_OUTPUT for Pin PB5(Connected to LED).

Step 7: Code Generation

Go to Device Configuration Tool Code Generation and generate the code. A main.c file will be generated. Keep all parameters as default.

Add commands in the code as per your requirement.

Further steps:

  1. Build the project(Ctrl+B).
  2. Check for errors and warnings.
  3. Setup the hardware.
  4. Connect it with your IDE using Male to MINI-B Cable.
  5. Run the project.
  6. Check the output on Teraterm serial monitor.

Step 8:

You just learnt how to interface IR and DHT Sensor using STM32F446RE Nucleo board on STM32CubeIDE using FREERTOS.

Keep learning! Keep creating! Keep innovating!