Introduction: Rainbow Loom Cat Face Charm Tutorial

A metal hook

A Rainbow Loom board

2 x green rubber bands (hair)

~ 40 x brown rubber bands (face)

NOTE: I can explain the steps until the ears, then need refer to the Video as too hard to explain with just images.

Step 1: Step 1 - Lay Down First Pegs

Use 2 brown rubber bands and lay across 2 pegs as show

Step 2: Step 2 - Form Upside Down V

Lay down next 2 brown rubber bands as show (form upside down V)

Step 3: Step 3 - Straight Down Pegs

2 rubber bands lay straight down as show

Step 4: Step 4 - Lay 3 Straight Down

Lay down 2 brown rubber bands for 1, 2, 3

Step 5: Step 5 - Continue Lay Down Bands

Lay down 2 brown rubber bands as show

Step 6: Step 6 - Form the Eye

To make the eye, loop first green rubber band 4 times into the hook, do same for 2nd green band

then add a brown rubber band in

Transfer the 2 green bands into the brown band and lay down the 2 pegs as show

Step 7: Step 7 - Continue for the Eye

Hook the brown rubber 1 up as show

Step 8: Step 8 - Make the Ears and Continue

For the ears and beyond, please refer to the video at 2:49 as too hard to explain the process

Thank You for watching!