Introduction: Rainbow Rose

About: I love to cook and bake. I know igioteno very well. I crochet and knit many items. I love needle felting,candle making, sewing, and many more relaxing hobbies☕️
This rainbow rose can use white roses or very pale roses

Step 1: Materials

White or pale roses

Food coloring



Step 2: Procedure

Snip off the excess leafs and thorns
Drop a couple of drops of coloring into a vase
Slit an opening in the end of the rose for the coloring to absorb into the rose petals
Put the rose into the vase
If you want you can change the color of the water for multiple colors

Step 3: Results

You can make many of different flowers and colors
Before and After Contest

Participated in the
Before and After Contest

Rainbow Contest

Participated in the
Rainbow Contest