Introduction: Rainbow Loom Single

About: Hi am onedirection lovelouis I'm in love with 1Ds new album

Hi this is my Single bracelets please comment

Step 1: Step 1 What You Need

13 pink bands

12 purple bands

1 hook

1 loom

a c clip or an s clip

Step 2: Placing the Bands

Turn the loom so the red arrow is facing away from you. Place one band from the middle to the right. Place another band from the right to the middle. Do this all the way down

Step 3: Looping

Turn the loom so the red arrow is facing you. Put your hook under the pink band then loop the purple one so it looks like a terl shape then get the pink one and do the same you did with the purple one keep doing this all the way up the loom

Step 4: Pulling Off the Loom

Put the clip on and pull off. When you get to the end you`ll have one bigger band lift pop the big band on the clip and you are done hope you enjoy