Introduction: Re-Vamped Pillow Sham

About: I am an artist living and teaching ART in NYC for over 30 years, and I am a CZT, Certified Zentangle Teacher. I love to explore all sorts of art making both in my teaching and in my own work...check out my sit…
I was busy switching things around at home and decided that rather then invest in all new linens I would re vamp some older pieces.

Step 1: Supplies

I wanted to work with a B&W scheme:
100% cotton fabric
Black Dye
tray cardboard
large clips
water source
fabric marker

Step 2: Fabric

First wet fabric

Step 3: Folding

First fold in half lengthwise

Step 4:

Begin at one end and fan fold to center

Step 5:

fold other half and fold together

Step 6: Clamp Fabric

put two clamps on each end leaving bout 3" of fabric

Step 7: Dye Bath

Get your dye ready. I used a thickish fabric silkscreen dye that I had on hand. I needed to add about 3 tablespoons to 2 cups water. Make the water as hot as possible.
Follow directions for whatever type of dye you choose to use.

Step 8:

I needed to stir the dye bath for several minutes to disolve the lumpy solution.

Step 9:

Step 10: Dipping the Fabric

Dip one clamped end of fabric in dye bath.

Step 11:

flip the fabric and dip opposite end in dye bath. (oops this photo is sideways!)

Step 12:

fold the fabric in half and dip the fold in dye bath.

Step 13: Un Fold the Pillow Sham

Step 14: Un Clamp the Pillow Sham

Step 15: Un Fold Completly

Step 16: Dry

Let fabric dry completly.

Step 17: Iron

The dye I used directed me to iron my fabric with as hot an temp. as possible to set the dye. Follow directions for your dye.

Step 18: Cardboard

Inset cardboard to give a firm surface to work on and avoid the fabric marker from bleeding through.

Step 19: Fabric Marker

Use a fabric marker to draw into the dyed fabric to enhance your design.

Step 20: Finished Pillow Sham.

Step 21: Extra/Extra

I did some offset prints on paper with the wet dye when I unfolded my fabric. 

Step 22: Just for Fun

Sometimes I use these papers for book covers or wrapping paper.
Print & Dye Contest

Second Prize in the
Print & Dye Contest