Introduction: Reclaimed Firewood Ambiance Light "Ardenne"
How to make a nice ambient light out of firewood.
Step 1: First Let Me Show You the Idea.
This is a multi movable piece of light. you can set it like you want and regulate the amount of light with the flaps. in the last pictures i even put some extra candles on it to add something extra. the sky is the LIMIT. check out how it is build!
Step 2: Videobuild
The video shows the build with extra speed so you don't get bored of the repetetive work.
This is the firelog it all started with. A nice piece of firewood from the Ardenne in Belgium.
Step 3: This Is What You Need
-Gu10 socket. (reclaimed from defect nighstandlight).
-Gu10 2 or 3watt led (so it doesn't get too hot).(new).
-extensioncord with or without switch (mine is an old cord of broken vacuumcleaner).
-10mm steelpipe and some washers (ebay is the way :D).
Step 4: Start
we cut up the block in the amount of pieces we want. Dont forget the minimum buildhigh for the led AND socket the fit in!
Next cut the pipe to average length. sand it down nicely.
Step 5: Next
We drill the holes for the pivot and lightspot
10mm pipe=10mm hole for pivot.
my light is about 35mm, so i took an american forstnerbit that is a bit bigger.(for all holes)
Step 6: Next Next
make room on the bottom to fit all wires and sockets. dont forget to drill a hole straight trough so the GU10 cables can get to the bottom of the light where the extensioncord sits.
i put some rubber feet on it to protect the surface.
Step 7: Next Next Next ;-)
connect all wires, makes sure you do this right. next i use hotglue to get it sticking to the base AND to isolate the cables.
the GU10 socket is put in with some rubbersilicone since hotglue and temperature arent that great ;-).
just don't forget the 2(or 1) washer or any other spacer to put between each slat so the can more freely and have some space to let the light come out..
now you are down and can play with it.
i might forget some steps, but this is a real simple project that any handyman could do with ease. (or a great learning for the ones who are just stepped into it.)
have a nice time!
happy greetings,