Introduction: Recycled Rain Stick

About: An aspiring artist. Visit me at
I made this rain stick from 2 large and 2 small toilet paper tubes.I had a lot of them lying around and I saw this contest so I thought I would make this photo instructable .
I joint all the tubes together and then poked about 100 BBQ sticks cut to size.Then I glued all the wholes and closed one side and then put some rice in it and then sealed the other side.

One good tip is to use sugru to seal the holes after the sticks have been poked in so that the sticks do not move and the rice does not fall out.(I tried it and it works perfectly).Here's where you can buy some sugru(

I hope this give you some new ideas to make different versions of this.
If anyone makes this please try and post a picture as a comment on this instructable.
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