Introduction: Red-Riding_Hood Hood

About: I was born over 30,000 years ago and i am a vampire i am no ordinary vampire my skill reach great limits i can fly with my bat wings,i have no fear of sunlight,and i can adapt 2 my surroundings extremely quick…
This is the Hood of Red-Riding_Hood made for a party.(This costume is not the one i was/am going as because well..i'm a guy and red-riding-hood is a girl so here you go lets get started. I've made every step have 2 parts.
You will need:
Sewing Machine(don't hurt your-self)
2 meters of red fabric
Scissors (Be competent with them don't start playing with them)
Pins (lots) 
Cotton (when I say sew i mean use the cotton to sew it together try your best to make it red cotton to blend in)
This is a dangerous task if your not careful.
please post pictures if you make your own

Step 1: Red Riding Hood Hood

First thing is to cut out hood you need 4 halves (be smart with the scissors)
sew a dart on each half (be smart with them)
sew the halves together (be smart when sewing)
sew the 2 hoods together (this will mean your hood is lined)

Step 2: Red Riding Hood Hood

find the middle of the left over fabric
place the middle of the hood to the middle of the fabric and pin together (be smart with the pins the can draw blood)
sew the hood and fabric together (be smart with the sewing machine..please)
put the cape on and work out where you want to place the ribbon (this is your decision)

Step 3: Red Riding Hood Hood

sew the ribbon to the cape (don't prick yourself)
If the cape is too long just cut off the excess fabric (don't cut your-self)
and then you finished your red riding hood hood is done 
Halloween Easy Costumes Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Easy Costumes Contest