Introduction: Remembering Ring in the Time of a Pandemic
I wear this simple ring made with a 3D Printer to remember to wash my hands and to remember not to touch my face. But mostly I wear it to remember all those folks that have suffered.
A 3D printer, finger, common sense, cleanliness, empathy and kindness.
Step 1: Printing Ring
I used the simple ring in Basic Shapes on ThinkerCad and an Ender 3 printer. But use what ever material you wish. I sized the ring to my ring finger with calipers.
Step 2: Not Until Covid-19 Is Finished
I will not take my remembering ring off until everyone is safe.
Step 3: Be Kind
The most important act I want to remember is that in the time of a pandemic it is so important to be kind and caring to all the folk we meet.
See you on the other side of this
God bless America
See you on the other side of this
God bless America