Introduction: Repeater/Forever Circuit

About: Hi! I'm Geoff! I'm an electrical engineer with a passion for making things. I believe that creating is for everyone, and I love being able to share what I've learned to enable others to pursue their passions. …

In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a redstone circuit that turns on and off. It could be used for a strobe light or anything you want to switch on and off repeatedly.

Step 1: Supplies

You will need:

6 stone blocks

1 sticky piston

1 lever


1 lapis lazuli block

1 redstone repeater (optional)

Step 2: Base and Redstone

Place the stone in the pattern shown above. Then place redstone on the stone as shown.

Step 3: Adding the Lever and Piston

Place the piston and lever as shown. Click the lever to check if the sticky piston is connected to the redstone correctly.

Step 4: Adding the Lapis Lazuli

Next, place a Lapis Lazuli block on the sticky piston, like so.

Step 5: (Optional) Add the Repeater

Place a repeater in the back to be able to control the speed.

Step 6: Finished! Test Your Circuit! :)

The sticky piston should extend, which turns off the circuit, which makes the piston retract, which makes the curcuit turn on, which extends the...... and so on.

There is a possibility that when you turn off the circuit, the Lapis Lazuli block will stay over the redstone. (As shown above.) If this happens, just destroy the Lapis Lazuli and re-place it back on the piston.

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