Introduction: Rocky Road Cookies

About: I run Neal's CNC in Hayward, CA, an expert CNC cutting and fabrication service, easily findable by Google search. I'm a founding member of Noisebridge, a hackerspace in San Francisco, and Ace Makerspace (forme…
These are a recipe I just invented, which turned out so well I had to share.  They're based off of regular chocolate chip but have different chunk content: only use 1/3 the chocolate chips, but add equal amounts of mini marshmallows and pecan bits.  I made a small recipe; it can easily be doubled.

1 stick butter
3/4 cup of sugar, half brown & half white
1 egg
splash of vanilla extract
1 cup of flour plus a bit
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
salt to taste if you're using unsalted butter
about 1/3 cup chocolate chips
about 1/3 cup mini marshmallows
about 1/3 cup chopped pecans

Step 1: Mix Ingredients

Butter should be soft: let it sit out for an hour or nuke it for like 5 seconds depending on your microwave.  When your ingredients are all ready, preheat the oven to 350° F.

Place the soft butter in a bowl.  Dump in the sugar and mash it into the butter with a spoon (or a mixer but I find that makes the dough fluffier than I like).  Add egg and vanilla; mix.  Add flour, baking powder, salt; mix.

Finally, dump in about a third of the amount of chocolate chips you think would be good.  Add comparable amounts of mini marshmallows and chopped or broken-up pecan pieces.  The last pic shows the proportions I ended up with.  I might have put a bit more of each chunk in, but it was the last of the pecans and I didn't want to get all UNEVEN!

Step 2: Bake

Do the usual drop from a spoon onto a baking sheet.  Bake for ten minutes at 350° F.  Cool on wire rack.  Eat as soon as possible, with a cold glass of milk.