Introduction: Rocky Road Flapjacks

We love Rocky Road...we love flapjacks. So here's a mash up of the two!

Step 1: Gather the Ingredients

175g butter

175g sugar

175g golden syrup

350g oats (I use jumbo oats)

75g mini marshmallows

75g glace cherries

Few squares of chocolate

Step 2: The Sticky Bit

Melt the butter, sugar and syrup in a pan.

Just do this slowly, you don't want to burn the sugar.

Step 3: Get Ready to Mix

Add the oats in first, and give a good mix until all the oats are well coated in the sticky syrupy mixture.

Stir in the cherries.

Then carefully, and fairly quickly, stir in the marshmallows. These will start to melt a little.

Step 4: Pack It In

Line or grease a 20cm tin.

I usually line all my tins, helps with the washing up especially if I'm baking something sticky like this!

Pour the oaty mixture into the tin and pat it down.

Bake at 150 degrees celsius for 40 minutes

Step 5: Let It Cool!

Let it cool for as long as possible in the tin.

It'll be a bit soft at first and probably too soft to lift out. I put my tin onto a high wire rack to help the tin cool more quickly.

When you can, lift the flapjack out of the tin and onto a board.

Melt the chocolate.

As you can see, I used about 10 squares (I had too much!) and melted in the microwave in 5 second bursts until it was melted.

You could do it properly in a bowl over hot water, but for the amount we're using it's not really worth it.

Drizzle the melted chocolate all over the flapjack.

Step 6: Cut Into Pieces.

This should make about 12 rectangles.

Cut into pieces when the flapjack is firm enough to hold it's shape. You may need to refrigerate if you get impatient!


Baking Contest

Participated in the
Baking Contest

Summer Food and Drink Contest

Participated in the
Summer Food and Drink Contest