Introduction: SAND CLOCK

Sand clock using bottles and disk

Step 1: Step-1 (forgot to Take Picture Step by Step That Is Why Only Final Photo)

Materials requirement: 1. Two Bottle (Plastic bottle so that you can cut through easily). 2 Super Glue or Araldite 3. 2 Disk 4. one transparent plastic sheet (to put in between the connection of sand clock) and last Sand

Step 2: Step-2 (forgot to Take Picture Step by Step That Is Why Only Final Photo)

Cut Two bottles from below the neck. and cut the transparent plastic sheet in a circular

Step 3: Step-3 (forgot to Take Picture Step by Step That Is Why Only Final Photo)

make a hole in that circular plastic sheet to pass sand( if you want to drain out sand at one minute make hole base on that regard by trial and error.)

Placed that circular transparent sheet in between the bottle connection.

Step 4: Step-4 (forgot to Take Picture Step by Step That Is Why Only Final Photo)

and sealed it with superglue but be careful using super glue. try using eye-protective glass. and inserter sand according to your requirement

Step 5: Step-5 (forgot to Take Picture Step by Step That Is Why Only Final Photo)

sealed both disks in both ends.