This is a concept for a next generation spacecraft. Its name originated from its purpose, it will be able to go beyond the stars, the second "r" in the word stars originated from the comet Pan-Starrs. The spacecraft runs on solar energy to power all her 8 powerful electric engines, the model was designed using Autodesk 123D Beta 9. You may ask, how does it turn, I will answer it turns alright, by reducing the power in each engine on one side it will slow down that side causing the spacecraft to turn (ON THE EARTH). In space her engines and smaller invisible boosters (similar to the Space Shuttle) turn to the direction controlled and it uses gyroscopes to turn in any direction. As for the cockpit, it is designed inside the body of the aircraft. It could also be a remote control drone that flies anywhere!
Toy Contest

Participated in the
Toy Contest

3D Printing Contest

Participated in the
3D Printing Contest

Drones Contest

Participated in the
Drones Contest

Epilog Challenge V

Participated in the
Epilog Challenge V