Introduction: Scenic Design Assingment
For this instructable, I will be showing an assingment asking students to create a 3D Tinkercad representation of their favorite place they have been or like to go. These are three students who showed examples of creative work and followed the criteria.
Step 1: Student #1
When asked to complete this assignment, this student created a 3D model of their cabin that they like to visit. I asked them to take a screenshot of their finished product and email it to me. This is what I received.
Step 2: Student #2
When asked to complete this assignment, this student sent me a screenshot of an exhibit in a museum. This was my favorite example because they worked very hard on it and showed details that most students did not.
Step 3: Student #3
When asked to complete the assignment, this student chose to make a model of a swimming pool. She said that in her neighborhood, they have a community pool where she likes to swim. I think that this was a good representation of a swimming pool because she added some cute details like a scuba mask and flippers.