Introduction: Self Glowing Ring

About: Design, music, sport

This LED ring do not need any battery. All you have to do is to wash your hands or put it in the water when light goes off.

Step 1: Rings

1- Cut an aluminium pipe with a diameter fitting your finger. Use sand paper to smooth the corners until it will not disturb your finger when you put it on. Open a whole on it where you will be able to fix the Joule thief with a LED.

2- Cut a copper piece with the right dimensions to cover the aluminium ring you cut in the first step. Open the same whole on it.

3- Put a piece of newspaper between the rings and tight them together with copper wires. The design of the copper wires is your style. The newspaper piece must cover the aluminium ring in such a good way that both of the rings will NOT TOUCH each other. When the newspaper will get wet with salty water this will be a battery. The wet paper will let electrons pass from the aluminium to the copper ring. If the rings touch each other this battery will not work. The copper ring will be (+) positive pole and the aluminium ring will be (-) negative pole of our battery.

Step 2: Make a Joule Thief

A joule thief is made of 4 components. SMD size preferred.

1- A transistor BC547, BC338 or any equivalent transistor. SMD size is preferred.

2- A resistor. Mostly 1K (kiloOhm) resistor is fine but you have to find the exact value of the resistor which fits your other components. Your coil inductor and your transistor may vary the resistance value. First you can build the circuit on a breadboard to find the fight value of the resistor with a pot. SMD size ie preferred.

3- A coil inductor. You need an iron, ferrous coil inductor with the right size where your LED, your transistor and your resistor have to fit in after spreading over your copper wires around it.

You have to build your own coil inductor with copper wires;

As I sad before, The copper ring will be (+) positive pole and the aluminium ring will be (-) negative pole of our battery. We have to solder the positive leg of the circuit to the copper ring and fix the negative leg of the circuit to the aluminium ring. Normally our battery ring gives approximately 0,5 V. But with the joule thief it will be able to light up your LED for so many hours.

You can find all of your electronic components from trash. (used electronic parts) or you can buy them if you want. For example this ring is made completely out of trash.

Step 3: Fix

Finally we can fix our joule thief LED circuit on the whole of our ring battery with a small amount of silicon. It will be very cool to cover our joule thief LED circuit with silicon to protect it from water while washing our hands. Or we can use a small amount of salty water to make it glow again where the salty water will not touch our JouleThief circuit.

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