Introduction: Shell Ejecting Rifle With New Trigger Mech

About: ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Because I rule!!! 90% of all teens would cry if Myspace or Facebook were destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would sit and …
Hi happy Thanksgiving!!! This is my new shell ejecting rifle. I made it because I had seen other SER's and I wanted one of my own. I wanted to try to make something different. So I tried a new trigger. And this is how it turned out. 

Comfy handle
Strong stock
Easy pin pull
New trigger with very good holding power(you dont need like 4 RBs for the trigger, just 1 small one)

Between Pro and Con :
roughly 15 feet range with 1 #64

Flimsy near the top of the gun at the mag
Shells dont eject too far (>3ft)
Not that accurate
Pin is hard to pull with 2 #64s