Introduction: Hands-free Arduino Lamp (Nature Inspired)
Did you know every time you touch an object, you are probably picking up bacteria and potentially viruses too.Wouldn’t it be really cool if you get to have an automatic lamp that requires no touch to light up when the surroundings get dark? In this very project, I am focusing on making portable lamps that is contactless and hands free to light up. Shinech is a hands free AI lamp with nature integrated art design created from Arduino,which is easy to make and also low cost. It can be used as a night security lamp,auto light-up table lamp, home decoration and even use this as an emergency lighting system.One of its specialties is I have assembled the led to a unique mixture of colour that makes it look like an amazing nature scenery of a full moon shining above the calm green lake. You get to see different colour, light and design at a different perspective.It also lights up itself when the surrounding are dark and automatically off the light when the surroundings are bright,so no worries for forgetting to off the lights,wasting electricity !
Step 1: Supplies
- Wires
- Led (White)
- 1 breadboard
- Arduino Uno
- Resistor
- 1 9V battery
- LDR Light Sensor
- Acrylic Sheet (I've chosen opal white and frosted white because it is less visible to the components inside but transparent enough for the led light to be seen)
- Hot glue gun
Step 2: Circuit Diagram
Follow the diagram given to assemble your Arduino board.
Step 3: Program and Code the Arduino
void setup() {<br> pinMode(8,INPUT); pinMode(9,OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); //initialise serial monitor}
void loop() { int temp=digitalRead(8); //assign value of LDR sensor to a temporary variable Serial.println("Intensity="); //print on serial monitor using "" Serial.println(temp); //display output on serial monitor delay(300); if(temp==HIGH) //HIGH means,light got blocked digitalWrite(9,HIGH); //if light is not present,LED on else digitalWrite(9,LOW); //if light is present,LED off}
Step 4: Cut the Acrylic
Cut the acrylic sheet according to the measurement given above.You can also use your own measurement as this is only a reference of my own.
Step 5: Fix the Assembled Arduino on the 7.5 X 21 Cm Opal Sheet
The opal sheet is less transparent so I fixed the Arduino board on it.
Step 6: Hot Glue and Assemble the Acrylic Sheet
I have glued the acrylic sheets into a rectangular shape. I have choosen this shape as it can be put verticle or horizontal (as the photo above) and also save more space.
Step 7: (Optional) Glue the Magnet on the Middle of the 7.5 X 21 Cm Opal Sheet
I did because it is fun and very convenient as you can stick it anywhere you like (like the photo where I have stick it on the fridge and also my house metal door)
Step 8: Test, Enjoy and Place It Everywhere You Like!
Congratulations, now you have a contactless lamp! Check out the video above if you're confused as to how the project should work or want to make sure you did it right. Place it at your shelf, table, outside your garden, on your coffee table,storage rooms,living room,EVERYWHERE!