Introduction: Shoelace Repair

About: I love making things and figuring stuff out. My dream is to have acess to enough money learn enough to persue all my other dreams.------eg.if only had a welder...
Don't you hate when the aglets(tips) of your shoelaces crack off, leaving them to fray?
This can be fixed simply and easily.
Edit- apparently noahw beat me to it! I thought of this myself but I found he posted the same thing in December after someone pointed it out.

Step 1: Materials

All you need is some heat-shrink tubing and a heatsource. I used a lighter. As far as heatshrink tubing goes, you can get a pack with 1/16, 1/8, and 1/4inch diameter tubing in red, white, blue, and transparent for $2.99 at Radio Shack. I used 1/8 because it fit perfect.

Step 2: Cut and Install Tubing.

Insert the frayed lace into the tube until it is inserted to the length of the old tips and trim the tube. It took some pinching and twisting to get the lace in but the tighter the fit, the better it works

Step 3: Make the That Tubbing Live Up to Its Name(shrink It!).

Use the lighter to warm the tubing and watch it shrink. Be careful not to apply to much heat and burn it.

Step 4: Tie 'em Up!

Tie your shoes and admire!

Pardon the blurrieness, my camera doesn't focus well up close.